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Alamosa School District
Family Center 

Alamosa School District logo

Driving student achievement and long-term success.

    The Alamosa School District has partnered with Shooting Stars Cultural and Leadership Center to form a Family Engagement Center. The purpose of the Family Center is to serve as a place for families who need assistance in navigating our school system. The Family Engagement Center is located in the Shooting Stars Cultural and Leadership Center at 807 Ross in South Alamosa. 


The Alamosa School District Family Center logo
The outside of the Shooting Stars Cultural and Leadership Center building

    The Alamosa School District Family Center will be a one-stop shop for families who have questions navigating anything related to the Alamosa School District to drive student achievement and long-term success. The Family Center will be a bilingual operation with the help of technology (ILAs and handheld translators).


El Distrito Escolar de Alamosa será un lugar único para las familias que tengan preguntas sobre todo lo relacionado con el Distrito Escolar de Alamosa para impulsar el rendimiento estudiantil y el éxito a largo plazo. El Centro Familiar será una operación bilingüe con la ayuda de la tecnología. (ILAs y traductores de mano)

Parent Education Classes

The Family Center will offer bilingual parent education classes such as Familias Fuertes/Strengthening Families, Path to Scholarships, English to Spanish and Spanish to English language classes, and GED classes.      


PowerSchool Courses

The Family Center will offer Parent PowerSchool courses with the use of provided district technology and internet to check and report attendance, check grades, etc., in order to help our families navigate systems.


Voice Visit Program

The Family Center is partnering with Keystone Policy Center to create a sustainable “Voice Visits” program to build proactive relationships with Alamosa School District families.

Clases de educación para padres

El Centro Familiar ofrecerá clases bilingües de educación para padres, como Familias Fuertes/Strengthening Families, Path to Scholarships/ Camino a Becas, clases de inglés a español y de español a inglés, y clases de GED para nuestros padres.   


Cursos de Powerschool

El Centro Familiar ofrecerá cursos para los padres de    PowerSchool con el uso de la tecnología proporcionada por el distrito e Internet para verificar e informar la asistencia, verificar las calificaciones, etc., para ayudar a nuestras familias a navegar por los sistemas.


Programa de visitas de voz

El Family Center se está asociando con Keystone Policy Center para crear un programa sostenible de "Visitas de voz" para construir relaciones proactivas con las familias del Distrito Escolar de Alamosa.

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807 Ross Avenue,

Alamosa, Colorado, 81101



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~ Thank you to our funders ~

The Colorado Health Foundation Logo and link to their website.
This is the CHAFA logo and link to their website.
This is the Five Star Riders Car Club logo and link to the webpage.
The El Pomar logo and a link to their website
This is the Ef's Restaurant Logo
This is the DOLA logo and link to their website.


This is the Latino Community Foundation Logo and link to their website.
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